Hi! I am, Michelle Molotte (mo-lot). 
An Animal Communicator, Psychic, Medium, Scientific Hand Analyst, Coach and Teacher.
It is my purpose, passion and mission to work with animal lovers and the animals they love. Plus, people without animals.
Working with telepathy and energy, I serve as the connecting voice. My work brings you to a deep soul level connection with your pet and your self. When working with me, you will not only understand your pets behaviors, needs, wants, and purpose, you will learn your own behaviors, needs, wants and purpose! 
You will see how your pet has shown up for your learning, your lessons and your overall well-being. All the while, you see the transformation within your pet. 
It's pretty amazing! 
It gives me great joy to be a part of the intimate connection between you and your animal companion. 
What got me to this point as an animal communicator? Well let me tell you! 
Animals have been around me my entire life. Since the day I was born, I have been immersed in the world of animals. Veterinary offices, dog and cat grooming shops, dog training and events. Horse training, shows and events. 
I learned at a very young age that animals could communicate with me. I thought everyone knew their thoughts and feelings, so I didn't think much of it. They were my companions and support. Being an only child, they became my siblings, providing a deep connection and unconditional love. 
As I got older, I learned the dog grooming trade, because it's what I saw daily, thanks to my mom. I bought my dog and cat grooming business in 1993. The communication doors swung wide open. The pets would show me reasons why they were having troubles at home or show me ailments they were experiencing or whatever they wanted to say to be heard. It took a while for me to understand what was going on and this wasn't the “norm” in society. I started chatting with the owners about what I felt their pet was wanting. I started to notice that my “insights” were right and from there, started working as a professional psychic, and animal communicator. 
I've studied animal communication, psychic work, energy, neuroscience, psychology, quantum physics, scientific hand analysis, the mind-body connection and so much more! 
I've been on an amazing journey helping people gain clarity on their own journeys, as well as the journey of their pets. 
Love and Laughter, Michelle