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CH.AT With Michelle!

Conscious Human & Animal Transformation

Conscious connection from the heart!

Empowered YOU - Empowered ANIMALS - Empowered LIFE

If you are wanting a deeper connection with your animal companions; wanting to understand their behaviors, likes and dislikes.
If you are ready to connect to your life purpose and live a fulfilled life, living your dreams.
If you are an animal lover and want to hone your leadership and communication skills as an entrepreneur or business leader.
If you are ready to live your fulfilled, empowered life while understanding your pet and their purpose at a deeper level,
then working with Michelle is for you!
Michelle works with you and your animals, working as teachers for one another, mirroring points for personal growth and business success.
It’s a beautiful dance of leading and following. Communicating and listening. 
Consciously and harmoniously connecting, supporting, and growing in unison.

The answers are within the silence; listen and you will be given the greatest gift!

Amazing services and events offered here!

click on the pictures below for more info
Animal Communication

CHAT With Animals. Heart to heart connection between you and your animal companions. Learn their needs, wants and desires. Get a clearer understanding on what's going on for them. Communication in their language!

Psychic Medium Reading

Intuitive guidance to assist you on your life's journey: personal growth, relationships, career, business, health, clarity about where you're going and healing from the past. Connect with loved ones who have passed and more!                                            

Scientific Hand Analysis

The answers are in your hands. Life purpose, life lessons, life school, gifts and more! Those lines in your hands, they tell so much!

Lead with heart

Personal and business coaching for heart-centered people who are ready to take their life to the next level of amazingness! 

animal communication workshop

Join us for two fun days of learning the language of the animals. You will learn the basics  animal communication, how to send and receive messages, your communication style, lots of practicing, fun, connection and more!

Psychic Party 

Gather your friends for fun and laughter, tears and healing, connection and guidance, as you all receive intuitive messages from your guides, angels and/or loved ones who have passed. 

pet chat party

You, your friends and the energy of the pets, come together for a fun, connective party where everyone will receive mini-readings about their pets’ wellbeing, needs, wants and more!

chat at the barn

CHAT at the barn is for the horse lover who wants to have a deeper connection with their horse by understanding it’s behaviors, and desires. This is a 4 hour workshop where you will learn the basics of animal communication and Michelle will give a mini-reading to each horse and owner!

Hi! I'm Michelle Molotte.

I am an Animal Communicator, Psychic Medium, Hand Analyst and Empowerment Coach. Also, I love exclamation marks! I love teaching animal lovers how to learn and use animal communication for a harmonious co-existence between human and animal. 

It is my passion and purpose to work with amazing people who are ready to: receive intuitive guidance
have a clearer understanding of their own purpose
have amazing relationships
experience business and career success
receive answers to deep questions
tap into their own gifts
understand their animals companions better
learn and grow for their own happiness and joy in life
and much more!

It is my mission to connect with and help over a million animals by teaching animal lovers how to become an animal communicator for their own family companions and/or as a professional animal communicator to help with the mission of a million.
Another way CHAT is reaching out is by donating a portion of the monthly profits created through the CHAT membership community to an animal rescue/sanctuary/non-profit service, voted on by the community each month.
While connecting with the animals, they teach us so much about ourselves that it's really us who are learning to be the best we can be from them.

Every person and every animal is an amazing miracle because they simply are!

Contact Michelle for any questions about her services
or to book a group event!

You and your friends will have an amazing time!
The healing that happens can be life changing!
Your animals will love you for this!
You are giving yourself the gift of love!